Unit-linked pension plans

If you want to be involved and influence your opportunities for a higher pension a unit-linked pension plan is a good option.

Past performance is no guarantee for future performance. The value of the money invested in funds can increase or decrease, and there is no guarantee that you will get back what you invest

The unit-linked pension plan has several advantages:

  • You decide which funds you want to invest in and you can, free of charge, change funds at any time.
  • You can easily follow how your pension savings are progressing when you log in to your own personal page.
  • You can choose from a carefully selected range of funds with low fees suited to long-term savings.
  • Unit-linked pension plans provide no base guarantee but on the other hand they provides you with the opportunity of higher returns. The performance of the funds steers the return and your savings can both appreciate and depreciate in value.

Benefits of our range of funds

At AMF we believe in active management. By going our own way and making our own judgments we believe we can achieve better returns than the market average over time. Our own actively managed funds have also some of the lowest fees in the market.

This is how it works

Once you have chosen to save in a unit-linked insurance pension plan with AMF, you can log in to your own personal page and choose funds. If you do not make a personal choice your savings will be invested in the AMF Generation Portfolio (AMF Generationsportfölj).

Change funds whenever you want

You can change funds within the rage we offer whenever you want without having to pay fees or taxes. The simplest way to do this is via your own personal page.

Low fees

Our fees are amongst the lowest in the market for actively managed funds. This means that we can ensure that the funds are best placed to provide good long-term returns. The longer you save money, the greater the difference low fees make. Have a look and compare the various fees at The Swedish Consumers' Banking & Finance Bureau.

Log in to view

When you save with us you will be given your own personal page where you can easily monitor your holdings, manage your fund business and follow how your savings are progressing.