AMF's code of conduct for suppliers
AMF is one of Sweden’s largest pension companies with approximately 4 million customers and more than SEK 849 billion (2024-12-31) in assets under management. Acting responsibly and maintaining a high standard in issues of business ethics constitutes a precondition for retaining trust from our customers.
AMF endeavors to promote sustainable development and has signed up to the UN’s Global Compact initiative. Signing up means that, within the scope of its operations, AMF is to promote respect for human rights and fundamental labour rights,
work for a better environment, and fight corruption.
An important part of our work with business ethics is a requirement on our suppliers to meet basic sustainability requirements. Our major suppliers are obliged to abide by our Code of Conduct, which requires them to commit to the principles of the UN Global Compact with regard to human rights, labour law, the environment and anti-corruption.
The 10 principles of the UN Global Compact constitute AMF’s code of conduct for AMF’s suppliers. All businesses that deliver products or services to the AMF group are expected to respect these principles. When considering new suppliers and deciding on continued cooperation with existing suppliers, large suppliers must confirm that they respect the internationally accepted principles as expressed in Global Compact.
The Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact are stated below.
Human rights
1. Supporting and respecting the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights
within the sphere of the business’ influence.
2. Ensuring that their own businesses are not complicit in human rights abuses.
3. Upholding the freedom of association and recognising the right to collective bargaining.
4. Elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour.
5. Abolition of child labour.
6. Elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.
7. Supporting a precautionary approach to environmental challenges.
8. Taking initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility.
9. Encouraging the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.
10. Businesses should work against corruption in all
its forms, including extortion and bribery.
AMF's ethics and sustainability rules
AMF’s board of directors is ultimately responsible for AMF’s sustainability work. The sustainability work is based on the tasks assigned to AMF and the board’s rules governing ethics and sustainability.
In brief, the rules mean that AMF’s employees are required to act responsibly and to endeavor to contribute to sustainable development.
The rules are based on fundamental values such as honesty, responsibility, equal treatment, and respect for individuals. They also prescribe that AMF bears responsibility towards customers, owners and other stakeholders.
The rules constitute AMF’s sustainability governance system and are included in AMF’s rulebook, together with, among other things, investment guidelines, owner policy and risk management rules. The rulebook is adopted each year by AMF’s board of directors.
Read more about AMF’s rules on ethics and sustainability on Business ethics and sustainability.